Eyebrows forehead glitch skyrim eyebrows
Eyebrows forehead glitch skyrim eyebrows

eyebrows forehead glitch skyrim eyebrows

It only makes the battles easier and i dont want that. Lowering the difficulty does not decrease the chance of them doing the finishers. And them able to do the animation while im at 100% life is pretty upsurd. I am not allowed to use bows and magic so i have to get close to them to fight them. If you read what i said a little better you would see theres no way to defend against the animation. I hope the random animation doesnt trigger while im killing all these weak bandits. It in no way increases the difficulty for me. The battles im complaining about right now are low level 2 hander bandits who dont do much damage to me but can trigger instant kill animation even though they arent capable of killing me. Better armor will make my character able to take more melee damage and i have to stack high resistance items to survive enemy magic)

eyebrows forehead glitch skyrim eyebrows

(i do this so i can enjoy the loot system and be happy finding better items but still be handicaped with low health. I avoid battles where i can get 1 hit killed untill i find some better equiptment to deal with them. Right now its an intense game of blocking and dodging and counter attacking and its very fun. My first character had 400 life by level 25 and so much armor that i took NO damage from enemy attacks. I like bieng able to die with getting hit 5-10 times. Untill the enemies could insta kill me with an animation i couldnt stop and couldnt do anything to fight back against. I liked the difficulty the way im doing it. Is there anything i can do to avoid this problem? Or do i have to start over and put pnts into health and try a new handicap? Why did they get rid of the big difficulty slider from oblivion?!?! All they really need to do is add harder difficulty levels for better players. I was starting to have fun playing this way and yet again i found the games broken and unplayable for people that are good at video games. They barely hurt me with normal attacks but are able to insta kill me with a finisher and i cant do anything about it at all. But i wear like deadric armor and plops and my armor pnts are very high. It more then likely has something to do with me not putting anything into health. They just run up to me and 50% of the time it starts the death animation and doesnt let me block. And should DEF not be allowed to do a finishing move on a player without even having to attack him at all. Npcs should not be able to do finishing move on a player that has 100% life. He didnt even start to raise his arm or anything. and then it plays the death sequence for you. The animation plays before the enemy even starts to take a swing at your character. Its like the game assumes im going to die and it does the animation. Now this becomes a problem since i am able to block the attack but since the retarded thing wont let me block during the animation i am getting instantly killed as soon as an enemy runs up to my character. It barely hurts me since my blocks so high. Making my block useless since they will do the animation even though i am blocking.Īnd the enemies arent capable of 1 hit killing me with a normal power attack while im blocking. And they dont have to even be near your character to do them and once the animation starts you cant do anything. So im getting sick of npcs doing finishing moves on me when im not even hurt at all.100% life.

eyebrows forehead glitch skyrim eyebrows

The reason for this is because putting any points into health makes the character OP and the games way too easy for me. My block skill is like 90 and one handed is 100. Playing hardest difficulty and putting no points into health at all.

Eyebrows forehead glitch skyrim eyebrows